I kunstskøjteløb forekommer der 6 forskellige spring, nemlig Axel, Flip, Loop, Lutz, Salchow og Toeloop.
De forekommer alle som enkelt, dobbelt, trippel og 4dobbelt spring.
Og de enkelte spring kan sættes sammen til en spring kombination med to eller tre spring.
Har du svært ved forskel på de 6 spring, så er her en beskrivelse af de enkelte spring.
Beskrivelsen tager udgangspunkt i at løberen drejer "mod uret".
Drejer løberen den anden vej = "med uret", så skal man benytte modsatte ben af hvad der er beskrevt her.
(Der er også et begynder spring, nemlig skøjtespring. Her springer man som Axel, men kun ½ omgang.)
Flip: Run-up forward (in general), then the skater turns backwards on the left leg on the inside edge and the right blade hooks in the ice to get the take-off, after 1, 2 or 3 turns the flip is like all the other jumps landed on the right leg on the outside edge of the blade.
Loop: In the take-off the legs cross in the backward slide, sometimes the loop is jumped from one leg - the right one on the outside edge of the blade - after the rotations in the air the jump is landed as above mentioned. The loop is again a jump in which the skater "slide". In german this jump is called "Rittberger" in french "Boucle" or "Rittberger"
Lutz: The lutz needs a long run-up, the skater slides backwards when he stands on the left leg on the outside edge of the blade and the take-off follows as by the flip after the right blade hooked in the ice.
Salchow: Run-up in general forwards, the skater then turns on the inside edge of blade of the left leg and sometimes touches the ice with the second leg in the take-off. This is as the axel and the loop a jump where the take-off comes out of the slide.
Toeloop: The run-up is in general forwards, the skater then stands on the right leg, turns to the backward slide on the outside edge of the blade, hookes with the left leg in the ice and gets the take-off.